On one day we rented a jeep to take a trip around to the non populated, eastern facing side of the island. We started in the middle of the western coast and headed south to the tip of the island (where the pavement ends!) then headed north along the eastern coast. The shoreline was definitely rougher, as was the surf. There was seaweed and coral thrown up into trees that were between 50 and 100 yards from the beach - that must have been some storm!

First stop was a souvenir shop where Anna made friends with one of the local burros.
Next was Chankanaab National Park. The park itself is underwater at Chankanaab Reef. We did a little snorkeling and stayed a bit for some rest and refreshment. 

At the southern tip of the island is the Paradise Cafe, a reggae bar.Since we were about to leave the pavement we paused to have a few tacos and a couple of beers.
We drove quite a while through the jungle - by the way, this is a two way road!
We made it to the coast again. Then the road went out across the deep sand of the beach, or the beach buried the road. I figure that AAA wouldn't come get us if we got stuck. We just put it in 4WD and went!

The coase here was beautiful, but really rugged.The whole east coast looks like this. 


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